Make a Balloon AnimalVisit my gallery page to find instructions for all balloons previously posted.Steam TrainClick Here to see Ian Lloyd's adaptation.If you like Thomas the Tank, check out this page.
Boone's biggest annual celebration is Pufferbilly Days, celebrated the weekend
after Labor Day. Trains are the theme, and I've been wanting to do a Steam
Locomotive for a long time. The effort displayed here contains ideas borrowed
from a variety of sources and a few details of my own. Ready to begin? Then . . . All Abooooard!Instructions![]() Apple link the white balloon to the blue one, making a shallow apple twist in the blue. This will be the top of the smokestack. Twist ten half-inch bubbles in the white balloon and lock twist numbers 5 and 7 together, making a 3-bubble loop of bubbles 5, 6 and 7 in the middle of the string. Just below them, make a 4-bubble loop of numbers 3, 4, 8 and 9 by twisting 3 and 9 together. Twist number 10 to the joint between 1 and 2, then break off the remainder and tie it off. In the blue balloon, twist a 2-inch bubble for the smokestack, followed by a 3-inch, three 1-inch and another 3-inch.
Lock the 3-inch bubbles together and
pinch twist the first and third 1-inch
bubbles. The three little bubbles form the cow catcher at the front.
Twist three 4-inch bubbles and make a 3-bubble roll-through for the main body of the engine. Follow with a 1-inch bubble for the cabin base, and make a toe twist to seal the end. Break off any extra balloon left. Arrange the 3-bubble body so that one bubble is on the bottom and two are on top. Tie the nozzle of the red balloon to the back of the 3-bubble body and make three 1.5-inch bubbles for wheels. Twist around the front of the 3-bubble body and make three more wheels for the other side. Secure the balloon at the same point where the nozzle is tied.
Twist a 3-inch, 1-inch, 1-inch and 3-inch,
securing the last twist to the back of the cabin base. The second 3-inch
should be on the opposite side of the train as the first one. These form
two diagonally opposite corners of the cab.
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