Learn a Magic Trick
Turned Around
Clear glass container
White posterboard or cardboard

An empty glass or jar is placed in front of a sign with
arrows on it. On either side of the container are signs reading
LIFE" and "
DEATH". The arrows, seen
through the container, point to "
DEATH". Clear water
is poured into the container, and the arrows now point to
When God created the world, it was all very good. But when Adam
and Eve chose to disobey God, sin and death entered into the
world. Ever since that day, all of us have been travelling toward
death - not only physical death, but spiritual death, which is
eternal separation from God.
But God, in His love, provided a remedy for us. Jesus spoke to
a woman by a well in Samaria saying
"Everyone who drinks this
water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give
will never thirst. It will become a spring of water welling up
to eternal life." On another occasion he said
"If anyone
is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in
me . . .  streams of living water will flow from within him."
God's provision for us is life, and that life is in His Son
Jesus Christ. He who has the Son has Life.
In John 5:24 Jesus said
"whoever hears my word and believes him
who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned;
he has crossed over from DEATH to LIFE."
The Secret
The basic idea for this illustration came from Eric Remer's
Illustrated Illusions
website. He has given me permission to present this adaptation of
his idea here.
When you pour the water into the glass or jar, it becomes a reversing
lens and makes the arrow appear to point in the oppoiste dierction.
The difficulty is that you must be looking directly through the glass
at the arrow to see the effect, making an extremely narrow angle of
view. To solve this problem, you can make a curved background with
several short arrows, as in the drawing below. The "LIFE" and "DEATH"
signs will mask off the view around the glass, so viewers from any
angle can only see through the glass to an arrow directly opposite.
Added Effect
If you can obtain a vanishing Coke Bottle trick (1-litre size) you
can vanish the Coke bottle, representing what the world offers to fill
our lives. Make a "Living Water" label for 500 ml bottle and produce it
when you vanish the Coke bottle. Then use the "Living" water to fill the
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