Learn a Magic Trick
Magic Motion
This is more of a challenge than a magic trick, but for those not familiar
with the laws of physics involved in may seem magical.
Place two pennies and a nickel on a smooth table. The pennies should be
touching each other. Challenge a viewer to put the nickel between the
two pennies without breaking the following rules: One penny may not be
moved. The other penny may not be touched by anything.
All of us have problems in our lives. Sometimes they're easy to solve, and
sometimes they just go away if we are patient. But some problems just seem
to hold on to us and not let go, and that's what these coins represent. One
penny represents you, and the other one next to it represents your problem.
The nickel represents God, who wants to help you defeat the problem. To
illustrate this, I want you to put the nickel between you and your problem,
but you have to follow these rules: You can't move the penny that represents
you, and you can't touch the problem penny with anything. (Give the viewer a
chance to try. If he succeeds, compliment him, and go on.)
If we give the problem to God, His power can work through us to bring us
victory. . . .
The Secret.

Put your left index finger (if you are right handed) on the penny that
represents you. Place the nickel a few inches away, opposite the problem
penny. With the right index finger, snap the nickel against the penny
that is held in place. The force of the nickel will be transferred through
the held penny to the one not being held, moving it away. Then the nickel
may be moved between the pennies.
Presentation, continued
God doesn't promise to make our problems disappear, but when we stay close
to Him, our problems can't defeat us.
The biggest problem facing all of us is sin. This is one problem that nobody
can defeat on his own. But God has provided victory over this through His
Son, Jesus Christ.