
(You will need 1 yellow 260)

Step 1:

Inflate 1 orange 260, leaving a 6-inch tail and tie off. Twist 1 four-inch bubble, 1 one-inch bubble, 1 four-inch bubble, 1 one-inch bubble, 1 four-inch bubble, 1 one-inch bubble, 1 four-inch bubble, and 1 one-inch bubble.
Tie the nozzle end into this last bubble. Ear-twist all the one-inch bubbles.

Step 2:

Repeat step 1 with the other orange 260.

Step 3:

Lay the two orange frames on top of each other, matching the corners. The long balloons remaining on each frame should be sticking up along different diagonals. Connect the two frames together by twisting together each corner ear-twist.

Step 4:

Form the bottom of the manger on long balloon "A," twist a bubble that reaches the middle of the bottom. Twist another bubble of equal length and attach it to the opposite corner. Do the same with the other balloon but shove it under A before attaching it to the opposite side. Twist these several times around the corners and then break off the remaining balloon.
Fill the inside of the manger with 10 or more uninflated yellow 260's. Arrange them so the manger is full with maybe a few hanging over the edge.

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