(You will need 7 brown 260's)
Step 1:
Inflate 1 brown 260, leaving a 2-inch tail, and tie off.
Step 2:
Twist 1 half-inch bubble and ear-twist it. Divide it in half.
Step 3:
Twist 1 eight-inch bubble and 1 one-inch bubble. Ear-twist the one-inch bubble. Repeat this 3 more times to form a 4-sided frame.
Step 4:
Repeat step 3 with three more brown 260's.
Step 5::
Inflate 1 brown 260, leaving a 6-inch tail and tie off. Twist 1 half-inch bubble and lock-twist this into the middle joint of one of the frames. Twist 1 half-inch bubble and twist this into the middle top joint of the next frame. Keep doing this until all the frames have been used.
Step 6:
Repeat step 6, using the other joints, including the ear-twists that you twisted on the ends of the frames. When you finish this, you will have completed the stable.
The Star of Bethlehem will be put at the top of the stable
by wrapping the nozzle of the middle top joint of the stable several times around the middle of the star. Arrange the star as shown.